Ancient Ocean, released in June 2015, is a collaboration between versatile ambient musician Scott Lawlor and neo-Krautrock/kosmische act The Gateless Gate (or one half of it, Allister). Scott’s drones for this piece strongly suggested the ebb and flow of the ocean. However, making yet another oceanic ambient album wasn’t satisfying, so Allister came up with the concept of a primordial ocean, millions of years before the dawn of man. This opened up the door to all sorts of progressive rock influences creeping in, like Pink Floyd and Tangerine Dream.
The first two tracks dive deep into the darkness of this ocean, with choral sounds and organs, as well as guitar mimicking the cries of undersea monsters, playing over Scott’s layered drones and subtle chord and tonal changes, before building up into a space-rock guitar freakout (or two). Allister dedicates his playing on these two tracks to the legendary Dave Brock of Hawkwind, the king of space-rock guitar.
“Lemurian Shores” envisions the mysterious coastal environments of a lost ancient civilization, while “The Deep Ones Call” is a tribute to the maritime mythos of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, being based particularly on imagery from the novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
The artists really enjoyed this collaboration and hope that it will be the first of many.
A 320kbps version of this release is available over on The Internet Archive ( for free with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’ which does include ‘free’. If you decide to download this album here for free, and you can with our best wishes, then all we ask is that you please tell people about it.
TRACKLIST (download the whole thing at We Are All Ghosts)
1. Ancient Ocean Part 1: Proto-Tethys
2. Ancient Ocean Part 2: Paleo-Tethys
3. Lemurian Shores a) Pleasure Garden b) Temple
4. The Deep Ones Call
Scott Lawlor: synth drones, chords and textures
The Gateless Gate: synth, organ, guitar, mellotron and percussion sounds, voices
Liner Notes & Cover Design by Allister Thompson
Logistics by Thomas Mathie for
The first two tracks dive deep into the darkness of this ocean, with choral sounds and organs, as well as guitar mimicking the cries of undersea monsters, playing over Scott’s layered drones and subtle chord and tonal changes, before building up into a space-rock guitar freakout (or two). Allister dedicates his playing on these two tracks to the legendary Dave Brock of Hawkwind, the king of space-rock guitar.
“Lemurian Shores” envisions the mysterious coastal environments of a lost ancient civilization, while “The Deep Ones Call” is a tribute to the maritime mythos of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, being based particularly on imagery from the novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
The artists really enjoyed this collaboration and hope that it will be the first of many.
A 320kbps version of this release is available over on The Internet Archive ( for free with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’ which does include ‘free’. If you decide to download this album here for free, and you can with our best wishes, then all we ask is that you please tell people about it.
TRACKLIST (download the whole thing at We Are All Ghosts)
1. Ancient Ocean Part 1: Proto-Tethys
2. Ancient Ocean Part 2: Paleo-Tethys
3. Lemurian Shores a) Pleasure Garden b) Temple
4. The Deep Ones Call
Scott Lawlor: synth drones, chords and textures
The Gateless Gate: synth, organ, guitar, mellotron and percussion sounds, voices
Liner Notes & Cover Design by Allister Thompson
Logistics by Thomas Mathie for